Engage, with community.
Melrose is ready for bold leadership to bring people along through sincere engagement, trusted discussions, and good ole’ fashioned neighbors-helping-neighbors.
My professional experience and community service in Melrose taught me about the importance of engaging a community in its own progress, for our shared future.
Read the draft Equity Agenda for Melrose
There are different ways to lead a community
I believe Melrose craves a Mayor who keeps her door open and meets Melrosians where they are - in backyards, on main streets, at school playgrounds, and in the audience. That’s who I’ve been and will continue to be as your Mayor.
Make Melrose a place where people want to work
Let’s invest in ourselves first. Our public service team should have the quality of work and benefits that support them. As Mayor, I want our staff to be proud to work for the city and be fulfilled in their jobs. Also, as experts in their work, I look forward to including and engaging them in any process of transformation or change in the services that they provide.
All are invited to contribute
The people of Melrose are what make living in this community so special. In times of disagreement and division, we are still neighbors who believe in the promise of One Community Open to All.
As Mayor I will keep my door open and will welcome the difficult, critical conversations needed to ensure the safety, health, and dignity of every Melrosian.
Government works best when we represent the people that we serve, and when we best serve our neighbors who need us most. As Mayor, I will foster a culture of diverse perspectives and continuous learning to stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving needs of our residents.
Open government to the people
The people of Melrose hire us, through their vote, to work on their behalf and it is imperative that we are accessible and responsive. This includes increasing digital dialogue, which is available 24-7, and also opening up our budget and processes for neighbors who are interested to see how business is done.
Health and Wellness
Over the past several years, Melrose has put the mental health and wellness of our community to the forefront. I want to continue to empower our Health Department staff to expand their work into our schools and stay nimble to support residents in crisis.
Kind Words on Community
Sam Hammar 💯 behind everything great that’s happened or happening in melrose! Sam has years of experience with local and state government. Combine that with her stellar bridge building, and smarts, we are in amazing hands. So proud of this woman right here! An inspiration!
Julie Unger
Melrose resident
Could not be more excited to see my good friend and co-conspirator Sam Hammar running for Melrose Mayor! If you don't know Sam, then you should. She's smart, creative and lives her values daily, making Melrose a more kind, inclusive and engaging place to live. She is a fierce advocate and amazing listener, bringing people INTO conversations, and finding common ground. I'm thrilled to support her and happy to talk more if you want to know why!
Ali DiMatteo
Melrose resident
I'm so proud to call Sam Hammar my friend, confidante, and community collaborator. She brings enthusiasm to all she does and is a breath of fresh air every time she comes into the room. She inspires through collaboration, making space to build something together whose sum is greater than each part.
To have someone so dedicated to public service and with so many years of relevant experience at the helm, leading with compassion, innovation, and fortitude...well, the sky's the limit for what this city could accomplish with leadership like that!
Eugenia Gibbons
Melrose resident