Kind Words from Kind People
Letters of Support
On Collaboration
I have watched Sam educate others behind the scenes and build coalitions and communities across Melrose. I’m excited to see her run and do great things here!
Concetta Green
Melrose resident
On Inspiration + Experience
I'm so proud to call Sam Hammar my friend, confidante, and community collaborator. She brings enthusiasm to all she does and is a breath of fresh air every time she comes into the room. She inspires through collaboration, making space to build something together whose sum is greater than each part.
To have someone so dedicated to public service and with so many years of relevant experience at the helm, leading with compassion, innovation, and fortitude...well, the sky's the limit for what this city could accomplish with leadership like that!
So, like I said yesterday, go, Sam! Go!!
Eugenia Gibbons
Melrose resident
On Experience + Leadership
From someone who served on the BOA/City Council for 20 years and had the honor of serving as the Mayor for 2 years when Mayor Dolan resigned, I am all in for Sam to do the job! She has 20 years of government experience and has made herself known in Melrose to rebuild the bridges and have the conversations with all people. She will be a breath of fresh air! I am proud to stand with Sam for Mayor!
Gail Infurna
Melrose resident
Former Melrose Mayor
On Advocacy
I’m excited to see Sam Hammar running for Melrose Mayor! I got to know Sam during my PTO time. Even though she was volunteering for a different PTO she took time out of her schedule to help support me. She's a strong advocate and active in our community (in so many ways). More recently I have had the honor to call her a friend. We have had many discussions regarding the importance of continuing to advocate, listener, and bringing people together in open transparent conversations. I'm excited to support her in running for Mayor of Melrose. ”Melrose is ready for bold leadership”.
Sarah Madden Martorano
Melrose resident
On Collaboration
Could not be more excited to see my good friend and co-conspirator Sam Hammar running for Melrose Mayor! If you don't know Sam, then you should. She's smart, creative and lives her values daily, making Melrose a more kind, inclusive and engaging place to live. She is a fierce advocate and amazing listener, bringing people INTO conversations, and finding common ground. I'm thrilled to support her and happy to talk more if you want to know why!
Ali DiMatteo
Melrose resident
On Bold Leadership
Thrilled that my friend Sam Hammar has announced her candidacy for Mayor of Melrose. There is no one better to thoughtfully, creatively, *collaboratively*, and effectively build on the work Paul Brodeur has done, and Gail Marie Infurna & Robert Dolan before him. Speaking as a former Melrose Human Rights Commission member and as a parent with a kiddo in the Melrose Public Schools, it's my pleasure to support & endorse & jump up and down cheering for Sam for Mayor - and to encourage you to get involved, as well!
Mathew Helman
Former Melrose resident
On Collaboration
So proud to support my friend Sam Hammar for Mayor of Melrose. Sam is unwavering in her values, but also understands that real progress comes from dialogue. Coming to the conversation ready for a fight never moves the needle. I can’t wait to support this campaign, focus on common ground and put our city on a path to success.
Alison Sarnoski
Melrose resident
On Bold Leadership
There is literally no one who will work harder to earn your vote, honor your support once in office, and bring Melrose back together to face the challenges ahead. Sam is the real deal. And a new kind of leader for Melrose. I’m with Sam. But don’t take my word for it. Get to know her, ask hard questions, look for evidence of great leadership. And decide for yourself. She’d want nothing less.
Jess Dugan
Melrose resident
On Vision
Sam Hammar 💯 behind everything great that’s happened or happening in melrose! Sam has years of experience with local and state government. Combine that with her stellar bridge building, and smarts, we are in amazing hands. So proud of this woman right here! An inspiration!
Julie Unger
Melrose resident
On Vision + Leadership
I could not be more excited to support Sam Hammar for Mayor of Melrose! Sam’s creative vision for economic development, ability to listen empathetically, collaborate and put community above self, and depth and breadth of experience is everything we need in the next leader of Melrose.
Team Sam all the way!!
Jen Leclerc
Melrose resident
On Experience + Leadership
I'm thrilled to see that Sam Hammar is running for Mayor. Sam is exactly what Melrose needs right now: local government expertise, strong knowledge of our city's budget, and a creative and innovative approach. Sam lives her values every day, and also understands that real progress happens when we call people *in* to the conversations, not by calling them out. I'm proud to support her candidacy and I'm excited for the work ahead.
Jackie Lavender Bird
Melrose resident
On Collaboration
I’ve been waiting for this!! Sam knows the way. In this crazy, divided world we need someone to help our city get back to working together for our common goals. Sure, we all have different philosophies and viewpoints, but we all want basically the same things. And, everyone wants and deserves to be heard. Sam will listen and get us back to working together!
Michelle Walsh Carson
Melrose resident
On Bold Leadership
When I started digging into Melrose Public Schools’ funding and budget, Sam Hammar was one of the first people who I connected with. She helped me understand historical context, current state, and how we can best move forward in the short- and long-term.
Her experience, knowledge, dedication, and transparency are essential for Melrose, especially now. I’m so excited to support her in her campaign for Melrose mayor 👏
Lisa Covino
Melrose resident