Mark Garipay

We need to work together and that’s why I am voting for Sam

Over the years I have had the opportunity to work with, and gotten to know, many Melrose Mayors. I have served in various volunteer positions, as has my family, working closely with our municipal leaders for generations. My father, a long time Melrose educator, was one of the coordinators of Mayor Milano’s first mayoral campaign 50 years ago. I have witnessed that being Mayor is a very tough job and to be successful it requires smarts, dedication, a very thick skin, and excellent communication and leadership skills. The two most important qualities our next Mayor needs to possess are the willingness to ask for help and the commitment to listen to and work with citizens from ALL backgrounds and, yes, political beliefs. After careful reflection I believe that Sam Hammar is that candidate, and I ask you to join me in supporting Sam on primary day Tuesday, September 19th.

As a City Councilor I have been vocal about my deep concerns about the fiscal health of this city, the morale of our dedicated city workforce, the deterioration of many municipal services, the state of our schools, and the constant political division based on party not sound policy.  I have dedicated my adult life, like many of you have, to making our community better but I must be honest: the state of our city and our schools are at a critical crossroads and we need a change agent now, a real decision maker, and a leader. Sam Hammar is that person.

I have worked with Sam for enough time to clearly see that she is a leader for all Melrosians, a team builder, and she believes that municipal government is about doing the hard jobs the right way for all of us.

Please join me in voting Sam Hammar for Mayor.

Mark Garipay, City Councilor Ward 4


Alison Sarnoski


Erin Hobin-Audet